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Online courses

JHAAK, Trance in Nepali Himalayan Shamanism

26 Feb 2025,  7pm-9pm CET,  Zoom meeting

Dhami-Jhankri-Shmans serve their communities by healing, bringing harmony to the environment, propitiating the ancestors, guiding the dead to the other realm if necessary, etc. They enter a (Jhaak) trance state where they access a Kul Deo (lineage protector), an Ista Deo (principal helping spirit), or Pitri Deo (ancestor) or deities and spirits transmitted by the teachers.

As Jhaak, trance is one of the essential components of Dhami-Jhankri-Shamans of Nepal and other parts of the world; we are privileged to have the opportunity to discuss different trance states experienced with particular reference to Nepal and the Himalayas.​


Open to all aspirants of shamanism and other healing practices, this two-hour transmission will be held conveniently online via Zoom from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM on February 26, 2025, CET (Central European Time).

The teachings will be recorded and available to watch and listen to at your own pace.


I am asking for a humble contribution of US $55 to participate. These funds will support and continue our research and documentation projects, ensuring the preservation and dissemination of this valuable knowledge.

Please use PayPal to remit your contributions to

Purpose: Jhaak, Trance in Nepali Shamanism

26 February 2025, 7:00 PM-9:00 PM CET, Zoom meeting

A Zoom link will be sent by the 24th or 25th of February.


As mentioned above, you can register to ensure you can secure your place. Places are limited, so they are on a first-come, first-served basis.


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