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The retreats are created and led by Bhola. The retreats introduce you to the traditional ways of the Nepalese Shamanic Path. They are based on conducting active shamanic journeys (narratives) through drum playing and chanting sacred songs. These are central part of the extremely powerful techniques of our earliest ancestors, allowing access to wisdom beyond the scope of the ordinary senses.

As humanity's oldest spiritual healing practice, shamanism helps us to address past events, enrich the present and imagine the future. Widely recognised, spiritual healing supports our emotional and mental health. For millennia, shamans have used their gifts and sacred tools to heal emotional trauma, alleviate anxiety and depression, reduce physical pain and help their communities to live with greater security and confidence.

The different levels of transmission and empowerment help aspirants (students who aspire to develop these skills) connect to profound power sources and tap the soul’s infinite potential. Thus it opens ways to solve today’s challenges and help us feel more fulfilled, confident and joyful. Participants will also learn how to use time-tested methods to effectively receive guidance, visions, insights and healing tools for self-empowerment and helping others through rituals, dances, sacred songs, active journeying, mantras chanting, and of course, drumming.

All our transmission and empowerment events are independent of each other. Of course, the necessary understanding and practice are essential to proceed to deeper levels of training and experience, so we recommend that everyone attends the Introductory Transmission.

We are ready to travel to any destination wherever there are people interested in discovering and immersing themselves in experiential aspects of Shamanism, a living tradition of the people of Nepal to this day.

Our transmissions are not limited to indoor practices; we also offer outdoor ceremonies and rituals in remote natural surroundings. We can arrange to guide and accompany aspirants interested in deepening their practices in Nepal with Shamans of different cultural backgrounds, holders of ancient lineages, both men and women.


Note: Shamanic practices do not substitute any other types of healing or treatments.


Thank you and Namaste

Bhola Banstola and Mariarosa Genitrini

Upcoming retreats
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Ritual preparation, purification and protection from Nepali Dhami - Jhankri Shamanism

February 1 - February 2, 2025

Paris, France

Unravelling and awakening the spiritual strength: Goddess Akhalindeshwari, Crocodile Spirit and healing the curses and fears

March 8 - March 9, 2025

Freiburg, Germany

Power of the Ancestors: Dhami - Jhankri Lineage Ancestral Practices

June 5 - June 9, 2025

Eifel, Germany​

Dhami - Jhankri shamanism ancestry and lineage: Sacred source of spiritual healing

July 10 - July 13, 2025

Fontainebrux, France

Naga course: knowing the Nagas is knowing the self and the world. Nagas, health and world environment.

February 7 - February 9, 2025


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An international gathering of traditional shamans and healers from all continents


May 1 - May 4, 2025

Villers en Prayères, France

The Shaman's Kila dagger:
Introduction to the 'Kila’ sacred ritual healing dagger

June 26 - June 29, 2025

Edinburgh, Scotland

Nishani Devi - The Goddess of focus and enchantment

July 17 - July 20, 2025

St Sebastian, France

Ganyap and Mahadevi: 
The union of wisdom and devotion

February 20 - February 23, 2025

Homps-Monfort, France

An Introduction to Nepali Dhami - Jhankri Shamanism: The relationship of Nepali shamans with the Primordial Purusha and Prakriti

May 29 - June 1, 2025

Alicante, Spain​

The Shaman's Kila dagger:
Introduction to the ‘Kila’ sacred ritual healing dagger

July 3 - July 6, 2025

Lyon, France

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